Living life at my finest!

Archive for the ‘blog’ Category

Facing the Blank Blog Post

I am facing the blank blog post that needs to be filled in weekly. It stares right back at me. I am beginning to understand to a very small extent what writer’s block is. I have so many things that I can write, yet so few make it to the page. How revealing do I want to be? How much do I wish to keep private? (more…)

I Blew It!!

I forgot to make a blog post for last week. I am recommitting to posting weekly. I refuse to feel bad. This epic fail is also a win for me as I have not posted so many on a weekly basis ever. I am dealing with some uncertainty in my life, but this I can take control over.

I am watching American Ninja Warrior: USA vs The World. I am watching terrific athletes testing their skills and speed. Some have fallen and failed in a very public way. Each athlete that failed, focused on getting back up and were determined to do better the next time. It is a learning experience. The person is not a failure.

I called this an EPIC FAIL, but it is NOT a failure. I am NOT a failure. I have been leaving my posts until just before midnight on Sunday night. That is not enough time to plan or work out my posts. This time as I recommit, I choose to give myself more time for posts. This is important to me.

I also want to add some other topics. Lifestyle, fashion, music, and more. I am finishing my fashion class and will be focusing more effort, time, and energy on this.

Thanks for sticking with me on this journey.

What have you had an “epic fail” in and then made a comeback?

Blogger’s Block – Just Post

Blogger’s block or what to write when you don’t know what to write, but have committed to writing a blog post weekly in 2018. I started two other blog posts, but I have not been able to finish them to my liking. I have abandoned them for another day. I am not sure why I like to leave writing my blog posts until Sunday night with the 11:59 p.m. Pacific deadline looming.

What to write? There are so many things going on in the world. Wars, the 2018 Olympics, the recent school terrorist attack/massacre, and more. And yet none of those are what this blog is about or what I want to muse or argue over here. This is the year that I want to find my direction and to gain financial stability/security. (more…)

Time to Change My Blog’s Name?

I am considering changing the name of my blog, but I am not sure what to change it to. After choosing the name, I discovered that there is a waist training company with the name of Royal Lioness that I nor my blog have anything to do with.


2018 Blogging Challenge

I have read other bloggers’ challenges and have wanted to do some, but never committed. This year I would like to make some blogging commitments, including posting at least once a week. I joined a reading challenge last year and lost track of how many books I actually read as opposed to updated in Goodreads. But this year I want to go beyond reading challenges.

My blogging challenge will range from easily achievable to more difficult: (more…)

Guest Blog Post: Becoming Body Positive

I have a guest blogger today because I was so impressed with her comments and the graphics below that she used when posting on Facebook about the body positive movement.

I am overweight and tend to lose and gain depending on what is going on emotionally in my life. I got tired of hating myself and my body when I would gain weight as I saw it as loving myself conditionally. If I did not meet my expectations, then I would diminish my self-worth by berating myself.

I was breaking that years’ long pattern when I saw her social media posts. I asked if she would do a full blog post about her experience, and this is the insightful and wonderful post she wrote.


Today, on January 1, 2018, I did a thing.

It’s probably not that big of a deal for other people, but for me, it is a huge step forward, something I’ve never been able to accomplish before.

I threw out my scale.

For the vast majority of my life, that small rectangular block in my bathroom has been a tool for measuring not just the force with which my body pushes against the earth, but one for measuring my own self-worth. 

I allowed the scale to dictate how I felt about myself.

When I put it that way, it sounds ridiculous. But ridiculous or not, it’s true. That rectangular block has measured me at every weight from 7 pounds, 3 ounces at birth to much closer to 300 pounds than I’d ever want to admit. I’ve spent most of my adult life over the 200 pound mark, and I’ve felt ashamed and disgusted, and I’ve resolved a million times to do whatever it takes to get and stay below that mark.

Yet, it seems like every year I end up exerting a little more force against the earth instead of less.

Obviously, those resolutions I’ve made nearly every year since I was 13 or 14 years old have not been kept. Yet, like an idiot, I keep making them. Even though I know, statistically, I’m much more likely to fail than succeed. Even though I found the body positive movement years ago.

The body positive (bopo) movement professes that one’s weight does not dictate one’s worth. It’s all about loving your body regardless of its size or shape. And though I’ve been talking the talk for quite some time (and writing multiple books with body positive themes), I have not exactly been walking the walk. Not when I’m still walking over to that scale, climbing aboard, and allowing the number I see to be a referendum on my value as a person.


Happy New Year! What’s In Store for 2018


As my Bitmoji shows, I am excited for yet another new year, full of opportunities and possibilities. I am the same old me, but that doesn’t mean that I have to do the same old stuff that I did last year. I’m so over 2017, both the good and the bad. I started last year helping out a friend run for Congress, and I ended it with helping the same friend and others give hygiene products and food to the homeless in Skid Row.

In between, I took fashion merchandising classes, attended the IND’Scribe Book & Con author event, was on set for a walk on role for the Passionflix streaming version of The Trouble With Mistletoe, and visited with family and friends.

I also expanded beyond just reader groups on social media to include Ho’oponopono and manifestation/positivity groups. I have been reading fiction and non-fiction. And I would love to travel to places that I have not been, such as Hong Kong.

I have not been blogging consistently nor often in 2017. I am willing to make a commitment to blog weekly in 2018. It can be about books, movies, music, organic lifestyle, and whatever. I know of bloggers who are also on YouTube, have podcasts, and do offline activities. I want to be one of them.

What does the new year hold for me? For you? For the world? We will have to wait and see for the world. But for myself, I want to explore my options, continue taking my classes, increase the frequency and variety of my exercising, expand my organic lifestyle, learn a couple of languages, and gain financial freedom.

What about you? What were the highlights for you in 2017? What plans or vision do you have for 2018?

Review: The Green Beauty Rules by Paige Padgett

Go Green with Your Beauty Routine!

I don’t use much makeup but when I do, it’s usually has organic and few non-natural ingredients. So, this book was of interest to me, though I had not heard of the blogger/author. I don’t usually read books or blogs about makeup. This book piqued my interest when I saw it offered on NetGalley for review. She shares her personal experiences as well as those of her clients. (more…)

Happy New Year and My New Blog Name


Happy 2016 to all of my followers and readers!

We’ve made it to 2016! Through all the craziness, disappointment, violence, kindness, love, and fun of 2015, the world continues to turn. Celebrating the new year is my favorite holiday. It’s global with so many countries offering up fireworks as they enter the new year. I always feel hopeful because it is a fresh start.

Another year alive, survived, and celebrated. So many lessons, connections, and some confusion, too.

I ended last year knowing that I was rather unhappy with my old blog name, PR Mktg Sales. It was a name I had been using for other purposes, and when I decided to create a blog, it seemed an obvious, easy choice. However, since I was never truly comfortable with it, I found myself not wanting to promote it as much nor blogging as much as I’d like.

The importance of the right name for my blog came down to me questioning what I wanted to name it after some self-reflection and thought, and what was available. I wanted a name that didn’t really indicate what I’d be blogging about, so that I would not be limited, and a name that seemed a bit more fun. Also, I enjoy the regal nature of the lioness.

2016 is the year that I will blog more frequently on a variety of topics, including books which comprised most of my posts last year. I was able to easily switch my blog name on WordPress (what a relief!) and on most of my social media pages, except for Facebook. I had already used up my limited allowed changes. Bummer.

So, this is just one of the changes I’ll be making this year. I’ll make resolutions that I will allow myself to break, modify, and get back on track. I’m not pressuring myself to be perfect. I want to have my life more aligned with my values.

Another change is living a healthier, organic lifestyle. I’m not starting from scratch. I focused on the healthy habits I already have and building on those. Progress, learning, making mistakes, feeling frustration and wanting to give up, and then getting re-focused and committed is how I’ll keep the momentum.

Getting my new blog name and domain were step 1. I enjoyed making this change. I am determined to make more changes and blog about them!

What changes are you excited about making in 2016? Have you included small, medium, and big changes?


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